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Yixie Shen (b. 1993 in Rui’an, CHN) is a composer based in Hamburg, Germany. 

She is the winner of the Gaudeamus Award (2024), the Zwei Orgeln Plus from Musik 21 Niedersachsen (2024), and the Alexander International Music Award with the junge norddeutsche philharmonie (2023), among others. She has been awarded grants from akademie kontemporär (2021/2023) as well as several institutions.

Her works have been performed by various orchestras, ensembles, soloists as well as at festivals in Germany, the Netherlands, France, Spain, South Africa and China, including in the Elbphilharmonie and NDR Hamburg, by Symphoniker Hamburg, Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra, junge norddeutsche philharmonie, Ensemble Ascolta, IEMA Ensemble, Ensemble Resonanz, Trio Catch, Ensemble LUX:NM, Ensemble KNM Berlin, Collective Lovemusic, Hamburger Ratsmusik, at Gaudeamus Festival, Heinrich Schütz Music Festival and more.

She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Composition from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, her main teachers in Shanghai were Ms. Ju Wenpei and Prof. He Xuntian. Currently she is pursuing a Konzertexamen degree with Prof. Fredrik Schwenk at the University of Music and Theatre Hamburg, where she received her Master’s Degree. 


commissions upcoming:

conTRUMPETary - a piece for trumpet and piano 

commissions written:
Lux Nova Duo - a piece for guitar and accordion
Staatsoper Hamburg - a piece for string quintet and piano
Musik 21 Niedersachsen - a piece for two organs and ensemble
Gaudeamus Award - a piece for bass clarinet, cello and piano

junge norddeutsche philharmonie - a piece for orchestra

akademie kontemporär - a piece for ensemble
Conductor Xizi Wang - a piece for ensemble with organ
Hamburgische Vereinigung von Freunden der Kammermusik - a piece for baroque ensemble
akademie kontemporär - a piece for ensemble
Pianist Bernhard Fograscher - a piece for piano solo 

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